The formation council of the Nigeria-Ghana region met with the parents of the juniors from 5 to 8 September in Ibadan. It was the first of its kind. The meeting was scheduled to promote familiarity...... Read more
In a simple ceremony presided over by Rev. Fr. Joseph Kandachamkunnel, the Regional Superior and ass...
Da lunedì 16 a sabato 21 settembre 2024 si terrà il 23° Capitolo provinciale d’Italia presso la...
La Sociedad de San Pablo y la Red de Librerías San Pablo presente en la República de Panamá, part...
The St. Paul National Bible Quiz (SPNBQ) managed by the St. Paul Bible Ministry (SPBM) reached its h...
News - Institutes
IJS México-Cuba-USA: 35º Encuentro Convivencia IJS
IPVSC Brasil: Profissão perpétua do pe. Luiz Antônio Reis Costa, ijs
IPVSC Argentina. Seminario de Espiritualidad Paulina 2024
IMSA Venezuela: Primera profesion de Mayerlin Coromoto Lopez Lucena en Instituo Paulino “Virgen de la Anunciación” Venezuela
INSA Brasil: Ingresso no noviciado