Sáb, Sep

After a gap of two years, once again the India-Great Britain-Ireland Province is blessed with seven young men – Savio Panmei, Wedneson Goyari, Sumit Lakhra, Mandeep Ekka, Santhosh Kumar, Alok Minz and Pradeep Bara – from five different states of India. They were admitted to the year of Postulancy on Tuesday 30 May 2023 in the community of Vijayawada by Rev Fr Joby Mathew, the Provincial Superior during a solemn prayer service.

Initiating the Rite of Admission Fr Joby Mathew exhorted the community to generously accompany these young men both by way of personal example and by prayer. He then reminded the candidates that the year of Postulancy is an opportunity for them to focus on 3 ‘Ds’ – Discern, Deepen and Detach. He said, “discern your vocation to religious life, deepen your love for the Pauline way of religious life and then detach yourself from the ways of the world. Transform yourselves by renewing your way of thinking and living by your familiarity with the Word of God and by your love for the Eucharist.”

Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Master of the Postulants, presented the candidates to the Provincial Superior who in turn admitted the candidates to Postulancy by giving them a copy of the Bible and a Rosary. The presence of Fr Prithvi Raj, the Director of Vocation Promotion and Formation, and rest of the members of the community of Vijayawada added colour to the entire celebration.

We congratulate these young men and wish them all the very best.