Tue, Feb


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[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder joomgallery/2017/brasile/20170215-bra-cpccs is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

News report I

The Commission for Pauline Centres for Communication Studies is currently holding its first ever summit at FAPCOM (Faculdade Paulus de Tecnologia e Comunicação), São Paulo, Brazil. The summit is scheduled for four days, 15th to 18th February 2017. The members of the commission are Br Darlei Zanon, General Councillor, Fr Antonio Iraildo Alves de Brito, Director, FAPCOM, Fr Dominic Savio D’Silva, Director, SPICE, Fr Norman Melchor Pena, Director, SPSF and Rafael Espino Guzman, Director, COMFIL. The Most Rev. Fr Valdir Jose De Castro, the Superior General of SSP, is also present in the meeting.

The session began with the inaugural address by Most Rev. Fr Valdir Jose De Castro, the Superior General of SSP. In his speech, Fr De Castro highlighted the significance of the educative dimension of the Pauline Charism, the topic which had been discussed in various General Chapters and which also been systematically studied from the writings of Bl James Alberione, our Founder. In addition, the Superior General reminded the members of the commission about their serious responsibility of preparing the first draft on Principles and Practices of Pauline Centre for Communication studies.

After the Superior General’s address, Br Zanon, the General Councillor, meticulously explained the agenda for the summit and the specific task of the commission which has to be realised during the four-day meeting. His speech includes two principal objectives of the commission: i) Preparation and Elaboration of the document with the guidelines of pedagogical identity of the Pauline Centres for Communication Studies; ii) Mutual collaboration among different Pauline Communication Centres.

On the next agenda, each Director made a brief presentation on his respective communication centre. The last item of the day was the paper presentation by Fr Valdir Jose De Castro. The paper was entitled “Identity for Pauline Centres for Communication Studies”. Some the principal points of the paper include the Dynamism of the Pauline Charism; the Pauline Educative Dimension in General Chapter documents and Church documents; the Pauline colour of the Centres for Communication Studies.


News report II

The Commission for Pauline Centres for Communication Studies continued its summit from 16th to 18th of Feb. as it was scheduled. On Thursday, 16th Feb, Sr (Dr) Joana Puntel, DSP, had presented the paper “Social communication education according to the mind of Bl. James Alberione and in the documents of the Church: Essential elements for the consideration”. On the same day, Fr Paulo Bazaglia (DGA Brazil Province and member of CTIA) gave a session on “Integration of Study Centres in the organogram and in the Apostolic Project of the Province”. In the evening, the members of the commission participated at the presentation of PAULUS, a scientific research periodical by FAPCOM.

On Friday, 17th Feb., Fr Valdecir Uveda (Director of Administration Brazil Province and Vice-Director of FAPCOM) gave a session on “Infrastructure and other Essential Element necessary to develop and to consolidate a Study Centre”.

All the paper presentation and input-sessions were followed by the group discussion and study. As a result of profound reflection and scientific approach to Pauline Centres of Communication Studies, the commission prepared a document which deals with the following important points:

Charismatic Foundation of Educative Dimension and Teaching Mission according to St Paul and Bl. James Alberione; Unique Identity of Pauline Communication Study Centres: Nature, Mission, Vision, Values, Objectives and Social Responsibility; Planning, Projects, Policies, Organization, Administration, Integration into Apostolic Project etc.

The commission also prepared a list of Short-term, Medium-term & Long-term Planning and Goals which the centres have to achieve through mutual collaboration and exchange programmes. The members also drafted guidelines to implement the project Monitoring Global Communication Dynamics.

The first meeting of the Commission for Pauline Centres for Communication Studies concluded its summit reciting the prayer Secret of Success. The members strongly expressed their satisfaction of coming together to study and discuss about Pauline communication centres and had welcomed the idea to take forward the outcome of the commission and to organise international communication seminar, summit and workshops.


Relazione: don Valdir José De Castro - L’identità dei Centri Paolini di Studi in Comunicazione

Saluto iniziale: ITAESPENG

Relazione: Joana Puntel • Relazione: Valdecir Uveda



Agenda Paolina

February 18, 2025

Feria (verde)
Gen 6,5-8; 7,1-5.10; Sal 28; Mc 8,14-21

February 18, 2025

* PD: 2017 a Codajás (Brasile) • SJBP: 2007 a Londrina (Brasile).

February 18, 2025

SSP: Nov. Ildebrando Pelliccia (1935) - D. Giovanni Battista Di Cesare (2011) - Fr. Amorino Remelli (2014) - Fr. Vicente Ramón Hernández Muñoz (2019) • FSP: Sr. M. Cecilia Calabresi (1999) - Sr. Maria de Lourdes Belém (2009) - Sr. Assunta Cantone (2015) - Sr. Margarita Maria Buitrago (2020) - Sr. Ida Paola Spinucci (2021) • PD: Sr. M. Auxilia Fernández (2011).